Quality & Compliance
Our Management Review System is essential for developing and implementing our key business objectives. It provides a structured framework for continuous assessment and improvement, ensuring our strategies align with our goals. Through regular reviews, we identify enhancement areas, set clear targets, and track progress. This approach allows us to adapt, optimize operations, and achieve sustained success.
- Health & Safety
- Environment
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Data Protection
- Anti Bribery and Corruption
Python Security LTD is fully committed to the adherence to health and safety in the workplace, visitors to its premises, and its legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended in 2006), and the BS ISO 45001 : 2018 standards and associated protective legislation, both as an employer and as a company. To achieve these objectives we have appointed designated members of staff to be responsible for company health and safety in order to:
- Keep the workplace health, safety and welfare procedures under constant review.
- Liaise with the Health and Safety Executive, and other statutory bodies on all matters pertaining to the health, safety and welfare of employees.
- Keep the Company and its Board of Directors informed of the implications of current and new legislation, EU Directives, regulations and British Standards in order to ensure on-going compliance with the law.
The Management Team of Python Security LTD is committed to protecting and actively improving the environment within all areas of the company’s operations. This will be implemented by identifying areas where continual improvement of our environmental and employee safety related to our services and operations can be made. It is our commitment to preserve and enhance the environment, and the safety and health of all our employees, customers, and other interested parties including business partners.
We will ensure through our Integrated Management System that our environmental outputs are clearly identified, and our environmental impacts are minimized with regard to the prevention of pollution within the supply and delivery of our security services to our customers.
Under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, commercial organizations are required to report annually on the steps they have taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not occurring within their own business or supply chains. Python Security Ltd recognizes the critical importance of this legislation and is committed to upholding its requirements to the fullest extent.
Python Security Ltd is dedicated to ensuring transparency in the collection and use of personal data related to its workforce. This commitment extends to strictly adhering to all data protection obligations and fostering a culture of respect and responsibility towards individual data privacy. This policy outlines the organization’s approach to data protection and specifies the rights and obligations of individuals regarding their personal data.
This policy encompasses the personal data of job applicants, employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, interns, apprentices, and former employees, collectively referred to as HR-related personal data. Python Security Ltd recognizes the importance of safeguarding this data and commits to handling it in a manner that is compliant with all relevant data protection laws and regulations. The policy ensures that all HR-related personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently, collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and stored securely.
Python Security Ltd is committed to conducting all business operations with honesty and ethical integrity. We take a zero-tolerance stance on bribery and corruption and commit to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct in all our business dealings and relationships, regardless of where we operate. Our commitment to ethical behavior and compliance extends beyond mere words; we actively implement and enforce robust systems to prevent and detect any instances of bribery.
We pledge to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations aimed at combating bribery and corruption in every jurisdiction in which we operate. Our commitment is further solidified by our adherence to the laws of the United Kingdom, including the stringent requirements of the Bribery Act 2010. This law governs our conduct both within the UK and in all international contexts, ensuring that our business practices align with global standards of ethical behavior.
Python Security LTD is fully committed to the adherence to health and safety in the workplace, visitors to its premises, and its legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended in 2006), and the BS ISO 45001 : 2018 standards and associated protective legislation, both as an employer and as a company. To achieve these objectives we have appointed designated members of staff to be responsible for company health and safety in order to:
- Keep the workplace health, safety and welfare procedures under constant review.
- Liaise with the Health and Safety Executive, and other statutory bodies on all matters pertaining to the health, safety and welfare of employees.
- Keep the Company and its Board of Directors informed of the implications of current and new legislation, EU Directives, regulations and British Standards in order to ensure on-going compliance with the law.
The Management Team of Python Security LTD is committed to protecting and actively improving the environment within all areas of the company’s operations. This will be implemented by identifying areas where continual improvement of our environmental and employee safety related to our services and operations can be made. It is our commitment to preserve and enhance the environment, and the safety and health of all our employees, customers, and other interested parties including business partners.
Under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, commercial organizations are required to report annually on the steps they have taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not occurring within their own business or supply chains. Python Security Ltd recognizes the critical importance of this legislation and is committed to upholding its requirements to the fullest extent.
Python Security Ltd is dedicated to ensuring transparency in the collection and use of personal data related to its workforce. This commitment extends to strictly adhering to all data protection obligations and fostering a culture of respect and responsibility towards individual data privacy. This policy outlines the organization’s approach to data protection and specifies the rights and obligations of individuals regarding their personal data.
This policy encompasses the personal data of job applicants, employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, interns, apprentices, and former employees, collectively referred to as HR-related personal data. Python Security Ltd recognizes the importance of safeguarding this data and commits to handling it in a manner that is compliant with all relevant data protection laws and regulations. The policy ensures that all HR-related personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently, collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and stored securely.
Python Security Ltd is committed to conducting all business operations with honesty and ethical integrity. We take a zero-tolerance stance on bribery and corruption and commit to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct in all our business dealings and relationships, regardless of where we operate. Our commitment to ethical behavior and compliance extends beyond mere words; we actively implement and enforce robust systems to prevent and detect any instances of bribery.
We pledge to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations aimed at combating bribery and corruption in every jurisdiction in which we operate. Our commitment is further solidified by our adherence to the laws of the United Kingdom, including the stringent requirements of the Bribery Act 2010. This law governs our conduct both within the UK and in all international contexts, ensuring that our business practices align with global standards of ethical behavior.
To support this policy, Python Security Ltd has established comprehensive procedures and controls designed to identify, mitigate, and prevent bribery and corruption risks. We provide regular training to our employees and partners to ensure they understand their responsibilities and the importance of compliance. Furthermore, we encourage a culture of openness and accountability, where employees feel empowered to report any suspicions or concerns related to bribery or corruption without fear of retaliation.
Our anti-bribery and corruption policy is integral to our overall commitment to ethical business practices and corporate responsibility. We continuously review and enhance our measures to ensure they are effective and reflect the evolving legal and ethical standards. Python Security Ltd is resolute in its dedication to integrity, ensuring that our business activities are not only legally compliant but also morally sound.
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